Host Family Information
The Four Cities Young Leader Academy
About the Program
The Dayton Mediation Center in partnership with NCCJ, is proud to be involved in organizing the Four Cities Young Leader Academy, a three-week immersive experience that brings 18 students and three teachers from Bosnia and Herzegovina to Dayton from October 21, 2022 - November 12, 2022 (Please Note: The students will depart host families on November 8, 2022 and spending the remaining exchange days in New York).
Learn more about the exchange by checking out the following stories:

Become a Host Family!
Currently, NCCJ is identifying individuals who are interesting in serving as host families for the students and teachers for our Fall 2022 exchange. The host families that are selected would receive per diems of $500 per family (total) to cover the costs of food for the individual they are hosting.
As part of the screening process, a BCI/FBI background check would be required for all individuals over 18 years old who will be living in the household during the visit. Pick-up/drop-off times will be flexible to accommodate host families, but generally drop-off will be between 8AM-8:30AM and pickup after 5PM each day.
If you are interested in becoming a host family, please fill out the application below.
If you would like to receive information in the future about this program, including updates on host family application deadlines, chaperone opportunities, and more, please email